Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to contact me!

Hi All!
Lot's of people are asking me about whether they can write to me and stuff, but I don't exactly have a regular address! While I'm at the Horton Center, you can use the below address! Just remember that it takes 5 days to get there, and needs $1.80 of stamps on it!
Laura Morgan
Horton Center
Gorham, New Hampshire, 03581
Other than that, emailing, facebooking and blogging are best until I get to Canada and find out where I'm living! Then I'll let you know! I'm getting a mobile when I get there too, so I'll let you all know my number and you can call (1/2 cent a minute call cards!)/text me on that! Just don't forget the time difference when you call me...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

1 week, 3 days till I leave!

Hi all!
Thanks for coming to see what I'm up to! I'll be heading off on the 1st of July, and so I'll be trying to update as much as I can after that to share my journey and experiences with everyone!
This is an outline of what I'll be doing while I'm away (as much as I know at this point!):
1st July- Leave Melbourne for San Francisco
2nd-3rd July- San Francisco Rescue Mission (
4th July- Fly to Boston
6th- 26th July- Horton Center Summer camp volunteer (
29th July- Travel to San Diego via LA
2nd-4th August- Amor 3-2-1 Mission trip to Mexico (
7th-10th August- Serving with the Dream Center, LA (
11th-23rd August- Travel to New York and Visit Communities on the East Coast
24th August- Travel to Toronto and get settled in at York University
I hope that you will remember me, pray for me and email me as I go on this journey- and please continue to keep me updated on what's happening in your lives, because I'm sure I'll be missing you!