Saturday, July 5, 2008

Leaving Boston

Hi everyone,
A much smaller note than the last one, just spent today wandering around Boston, seeing all the places I used to go when I was 7. It's been really cool, and I've taken lots of photos but haven't worked out how to post them yet so that might not happen for a while. Off to the camp tomorrow and have not idea what reception and email access will be like from up there but I will let you know when I know!
Hope everyone at home is doing well! Missing you all!


Anonymous said...

Okay, Try again! I've been having trouble leaving comments! Sounds like you're having a good time, a really learning experience! I'm very jealous- even though I'm leaving on my own trip in 4 and a half months! Keep blogging as much as possible! Missing you hope you're going well. XoX. Alice B from GWUC.

Alice said...

Ha! I did work it out. Okay, sorry for not posting sooner! Hope you're still going well!!! Missing you! (And so is Jo)
Alice xo

Andrew said...

The two best ways to post comments to blogger are as follows:

1. Create a new post from the dashboard, then click the insert picture link. You can upload 5 pictures at a time using this tool. When you are all done, just click publish.

2. Upload your photos using Picasa, which is available for free download. It's also got some great tools for annotating your photos and organizing them so you can remember your whole trip. (I'm not sure if there is a mac version of Picasa available though??)